<em>Owyhee Avalanche</em>, 1865-1905 Name Index Only



Owyhee Avalanche, 1865-1905
Newspaper Articles - Name Index Only

This listing of names had been takend from the Owyhee Avalanche newspapers dated from 1865 to 1905. The newspapers are available at the Idaho State Archives at 2205 Old Penitentary Road, Boise, Idaho. Thanks to the former County Coordinator, Charlotte Slater for transcribing these names.

~ O ~

Oberdorfer, Morris
O'Brien, James
O'Connell, Daniel
O'Connor, Jeremiah
O'Connor, M. J.
O'Donnell, Joseph
Ogg, Clem
O'Hearn, P.
O'Keefe, Arthur
O'Keefe, Edward
O'Keefe, James
O'Keefe, Maggie
O'Keefe, Mary
O'Keefe, Thomas
Olden, Al
Oldham, Joe
O'Leary, Mr.
Oliver, John
Oliver, Kate
Oliver, Mary
Oliver, Samuel
Olsen, Alfreda
Olsen, Chris
Olsen, Dagmar
Olsen, Estel
Olsen, Harry
Olson, Chris
Olson, Freda
Olson, Harry
Olson, Haus
Olson, Neal
Olson, Nellie
O'Meara, James
Onderdonk, J. L.
O'Neal, G. W.
O'Neal, Joseph
O'Neil, David
O'Neil, Minnie
O'Neill, E.
O'Neill, John J.
Orford, Mr.
Orman, John
Ormond, John
Orr, David
Orr, Joe
Osborne, J. D.
Osgood, Frank
Otis, George W.
Ott, Harry
Otto, William
Ousley, Mr.
Outhouse, J.
Owens, R. T.
Ownsby, Mrs.

~ P ~

Pace, J. B.
Pache, J.
Pack, Mr.
Packard, A.
Packwood, H.
Paige, H. C.
Paine, Ed
Paine, Wm.
Palm, W. H.
Palmer, Andrew
Palmer, George W.
Palmer, O. A.
Palmer, R. W.
Pangwitch, Mr.
Paquet, Old man
Paris, O. M. & Co.
Parish, E.
Parker, Aaron F.

Parker, Al
Parker, Charles
Parker, Frank J.
Parker, J. B.
Parker, Steve
Parkinson, W. H.
Parks, Edwin
Parks, William
Parrish, Clara
Parry, M. L.
Parsons, George H.
Parsons, Ida Wills
Parsons, William
Partington, Mr.
Pascoe, Annie
Pascoe, James W
Pascoe, John
Pascoe, Ruby
Pascoe, William
Patrick, George D.
Patrie, Mark
Pattee, David C.
Patton, G. C.
Patton, J. M.
Patton, J. W.
Patton, S. S.
Patton, W. H.
Paul, G. W.
Paul, Ida
Paul, Joseph
Paul, Mary E
Paulding, J.
Paxton, W. S.
Pay, Chung
Payette, Baptiste
Payne, E.
Payne, James
Payne, John
Payne, Lucy
Payne, William
Paynes, Ben
Paynton, Billy
Paynton, W.
Pearce, A. E.
Pearce, Ada
Pearce, Nick
Pearce, W. L.
Pearlman, B. M.
Pearlman, J. M.
Pearlman, L. M.
Pearson Massacre
Pearson, Ed
Pearson, John
Pearson, Nels
Pease, Mr.
Peasley, Ed
Peck, Ada
Peck, Charles
Peck, Lulu
Peck, S. F.
Pecott, J. H.
Peddler, Mr.
Pederson, Henry
Peehan, Harry
Pefferlee, M.
Peffly, P. J.
Pence, Arthur
Pence, Joe
Pence, John
Pence, Maude
Pence, Robert
Pence, S.
Pence, William
Pennington, J. W.
Pennock, Mr.
Penrose, A. M.
Penrose, Minnie
Penrose, Thomas

Penseroso, Il
Perkins, Eli
Perkins, Lennie
Perrault, Mr.
Perrin, M. J.
Perrine, Burt
Perry, Lee
Peters, A. W.
Peters, Annie
Peters, Katrina
Peters, Peter
Peters, W.
Peterson, Abe
Peterson, Henry
Peterson, I. T.
Peterson, Jack
Peterson, John A.
Pettengil, Mr.
Pettit, L. S.
Petty, Ira
Petty, Joseph
Peyton, Ruby
Pfeiffer, Joseph
Pfirrmann, L. P.
Phebe, T. B.
Pheby, James C.
Pheby, T. B.
Pheeny, W. H.
Phelan, Mike
Phelps, Charlie
Phelps, Mary
Philip, Jerry
Philipp, Theo H.
Philips, Jerry
Phillips, George
Phillips, Isaac
Phillips, Jerry
Phillips, Thomas
Phillips, William
Philpot, Marion
Phipps, Wm
Piccard, M. M.
Pichett, George
Pickard, C. O.
Pickens & Edwards
Pickering, Steve
Picket, Dave
Pierce, Ada
Pierce, Henry
Pierce, Jimmy
Pierce, John B.
Pierce, W. L.
Pilkington, John
Pilliner, Fred
Pindel, R.
Ping, Ah
Pinkerton, D. R.
Pinkham, George B.
Pinkham, Joe
Pinkham, Marshall
Pinkston, Fred
Pinney, George M.
Pinney, James A.
Pinney, Mayro
Pipson, J. A.
Pistone, James
Pitcher, Lt.
Piute Joe
Pixley, Annie
Pixley, Frank
Pixley, Gus
Pixley, Harvey
Pixley, Minnie
Plank, F. T.
Platt, Charles
Plumer, J. J.
Plumer, Wood
Plummer, Frank

Plummer, John W.
Plummer, William
Polk, Carrie
Polk, Cyrus
Polk, Milton
Polk, Silas
Pollard, C. E.
Pollard, J. A.
Pollard, Richard
Pollock, Mrs.
Pomeroy, F.
Pool, Ralph
Pooner, M.
Poore, J. M.
Pope, W. H.
Porter, Dave
Porter, F. C.
Porter, James
Porter, John
Portlock, James H.
Portlock, Jane
Portlock, John
Posey, John W.
Posey, W. W.
Post, E. J.
Post, John A.
Potter, J. N.
Poulin, E. Z.
Poulin, Pere
Powell, Azel
Powell, Charles
Powell, F. M.
Powell, Harry
Powell, Phyllis
Power, D.
Powers, Mr.
Pratt, Ed
Presby, Milton H.
Prescott, A. T.
Prescott, Minnie
Presk, W. J.
Pretty Johnny
Price, Dr.
Prichard, Dave
Prichard, Samuel J.
Prickett, H. E.
Pride, D.P. B.
Prideaux, Richard
Prindall, R. W.
Pringle, G. C.
Prior, James
Prisk, Grace
Prisk, Joseph
Prisk, William
Pritchard, Sam
Probst, Jacob
Prout, Frank
Prout, Joseph
Puckett, Dick
Pullem, John
Pumphrey, A. D.
Purdam, R. W.
Purdy, H. W.
Purdy, Oliver Hazard
Pursley, Charles C.
Pyle, A. C.

~ Q ~

Quarles, R. P.
Quayle, Billy
Quayle, William
Quimby, J. F.
Quin, Wong
Quinine, Indian
Quinlan, Dan
Quinlan, David
Quirk, James

This Page Created By Matthew D. Friend -- Owyhee County Coordinator
Last Modified: Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 04:08:10 pm MDT File Size: 18K
Accessed: Saturday, February 22, 2025 at 08:40:14 am MST