<em>Owyhee Avalanche</em>, 1865-1905 Name Index Only



Owyhee Avalanche, 1865-1905
Newspaper Articles - Name Index Only

This listing of names had been takend from the Owyhee Avalanche newspapers dated from 1865 to 1905. The newspapers are available at the Idaho State Archives at 2205 Old Penitentary Road, Boise, Idaho. Thanks to the former County Coordinator, Charlotte Slater for transcribing these names.

~ J ~

Jackson, John A.
Jackson, Ole
Jackson, 3-Fingered
Jacob, Cy
Jacobs, Ben
Jacobs, Cy
Jacobs, Frank
James, A.
James, Fred
James, Joh
James, Thomas
Jamison, Joe
Jarvis, Harry J.
Jarvis, Nellie
Jaumann, William
Jaynes, Dolly
Jeffreys, George
Jeffreys, James
Jeffry, R. P.
Jenkins, B. A.
Jenkins, John
Jenkins, M. R.
Jennings, Ike
Jenny, Professor
Jensen, Joe
Jessee, Asher
Jewell, Charles
Jewell, John
Jewell, Maude
Jim, Pedro
Jobs, T. A.
Joe, Blackrock
Joe, China
John, French
Johns, Myrtle
Johns, Tom
Johnson, Charles
Johnson, Christine
Johnson, David
Johnson, Emma
Johnson, John
Johnson, Knute 
Johnson, Luther
Johnson, Mary
Johnson, Oliver
Johnson, P. W.
Johnson, Richard
Johnson, Robert
Johnson, Sven
Johnson, Thomas
Johnson, Uilla W.
Johnson, William
Johnston, Charles
Johnston, Emma
Johnston, Frank
Johnston, Mary
Johnston, Thomas
Jolly, Frank
Jolly, Hattie B.
Jones, Abe
Jones, D. H.
Jones, E. W.
Jones, Ella
Jones, Evan
Jones, Ida
Jones, J. B.
Jones, J. J.
Jones, J. W.
Jones, Joe
Jones, John P.
Jones, Martin
Jones, Myrtle
Jones, R.
Jones, Rev D. H.
Jones, Romona
Jones, Sam
Jones, Theodore
Jones, Thomas
Jones, William 
Jordan, Annie
Jordan, Archie
Jordan, David
Jordan, E. A.
Jordan, Michael
Jordi, Albert
Joy, C. W.
Joy, Mattie
Joyce, Anna F.
Joyce, Annie
Joyce, B. F.
Joyce, Dan
Joyce, Hannah
Joyce, John
Joyce, Katharine
Joyce, Maggie
Joyce, Mary
Joyce, Matthew
Joyce, Robert
Judge, James
Judge, Jim
Judkins, Bud
Junior, Louisa
Justice, Caroline
Justice, Kate
Justice, Oro B.

~ K ~

Kaisner, Wm
Kane, John
Kansy, Thomas
Karlile, Jorge
Kasner, Wm.
Kastner, Louis
Kates, Mr.
Katz, Sam
Kaufman, John
Kearney, Peter
Keefer, Eugene

Keefer, Jessie
Keegan, John.
Keenan, Eliza
Keeney, J. B.
Keeney, Mattie
Keifer, Senator
Kellar, W. M.
Kelley, Bob
Kelley, G.
Kelley, John
Kelley, Pat
Kelley, Sidney
Kellogg, C. F.
Kellogg, Joseph M.
Kellogg, W. G.
Kelly, Ellen
Kelly, Fred
Kelly, Gardiner
Kelly, George
Kelly, James
Kelly, John
Kelly, Milton
Kelly, Patrick
Kelly, Sarah
Kelly, Still
Kelly, W. P.
Kelsey, A.
Kelson, Chris
Keltner, Minnie
Keltner, Morgan
Kemp, J. C.
Kenan, Anna
Kenan, Theresa
Kendall, J. R.
Kendrick, J. L. S.
Kennally, Ed
Kennedy, Dan
Kennedy, G. W.
Kennedy, Jim
Kennedy, Lizzie
Kennedy, Mary
Kennedy, Michael
Kennedy, Mollie
Kennedy, Nona
Kennedy, Nora
Kennedy, Patrick J.
Kennedy, Sarah
Kennedy, Tim
Kennelly, Ned
Kent, Caleb
Kent, George
Kent, Jack
Kent, John
Keough, John
Keown, John
Kernan, Mr.
Kerr, S. R.
Kester, J. A.
Ketchem, D.
Kettle, Samuel
Keyes, Grant
Keys, G. T.
Kibbe, H. C.
Kiernan, Thomas
Killingsworth, Mr.
Kimball, H. L.
Kimball, J. D.
Kimberly, J.
Kimberly, T. J.
Kimmerly, Mrs.
Kimsey, Jim
Kincaid, Frank
Kine, Frederic
Kinfing, Johnny
King, D. R.
King, George
King, James
King, Joe
King, Laura E.
King, Rufus
King, Sadie
King, Sam
King, Tom
King, William Rufus
Kingsley, Charles
Kingsley, Ed.
Kingsley, Ethel
Kingsley, Paul W.
Kinney, Giles
Kinsley, J. F.
Kinzel, Paul A
Kirchoff, Wm
Kirkpatrick, O. R.
Kit, A. H.
Kitchen, J.
Kittle, Tom
Klipsch, Jack
Klusman, R.
Knapp, Arthur
Knapp, Charles E.
Knapp, Mamie
Kneiss, Michael
Knight, Mac
Knight, Sydney
Knott, W. B.
Knowles, James T.
Kochersperger, M.
Koehler, Corporal
Koenig, Joseph
Kohler & Kohler
Kohlhepp, Geoege
Kohlhepp, Martha Elizabeth
Kohlhyer, Philip
Kornmann, Mary
Koth, E. S.
Kreig, M. M.
Kreis, Bernard
Kress, Capt.
Krossman, M. F.
Krouse, Capt.
Kuckner, Mr.

Kuhr, Camelia
Kurtz, Max
Kuss, Ralph

~ L ~

Laboree, O. G.
Labounty, F.
Labrecht, Mr.
Lacey, Mike
Lacharity, Will
Lackey, A. M.
Lacy, Michael
Lagan, Dr.
Lake, Charles H.
Lake, Selina
Lamar, A.
Lamb, John
Lambert, H. L.
Lambert, Q. F.
Lamberton, John
Lamme, Mr.
Landen, Elder
Lander, Judge
Landes, John
Landi, Mr.
Lane, D. C.
Lane, Frank
Lane, May
Langdon, Mr.
Lange, Charles F.
Lange, John
Langendyke, Paul
Langford, J. P.
Langford, W. H.
Lannahan, Pat
Lantis, Mr.
Lanz, John
Lark, Christ
Larkins, Mr.
Larks, Charlie
Larsen, Edna
Larsen, Emil
Larsen, Norman
Larson, Bettie
Larson, Edna
Larson, Oscar
Larson, William
Laswell, W. B.
Latham, Hugh B.
Lathrop, Ike
Lauer, Isaac
Lauer, James
Lauer, Milton
Lauer, William
Law, A. L.
Law, James
Lawrence, Samuel
Lawrie, J.
Lawsden, Sylvester
Lawson, A. G.
Lawson, May
Lawyer, James
Leadley, Mrs.
Learned, P. C.
Lebies, Ben
LeBoefi, Le
Lebrecht, P.
Lebrecht, S.
Lebuff, A.
Lee, Ah
Lee, Ake
Lee, Amos
Lee, Arthur
Lee, Ethel
Lee, Frank
Lee, H. A.
Lee, Jacob P.
Lee, James H.
Lee, Jim
Lee, John D.
Lee, John H.
Lee, Katie
Lee, Mary E
Lee, O. H. P.
Lee, Song
Leech, M. F.
Leech, W. F.
Leese, Jacob
Leesman, Frank
LeFevre, Mr.
Leigh, Ada
Leigh, Annie
Leigh, Edward
Leighty, I. C.
Leinehian, Mr.
Leland, Alonzo
Lemmon, John
Lemmon, P. C.
Lemp, Jacob
Lemp, John
Lendberg, Minnie
Lennon, Joseph C.
Lent, William
Leonard, Adelaide Emily
Leonard, Anna
Leonard, Bob
Leonard, Charles
Leonard, J. C.
Leonard, Lewis F.
Leonard, Mark
Leonard, Robert H.
Lepley, D.
Lepley, Frank
Lepley, Kate
Leplie, D.
Leridge, A.
Leroy, Lou
Leslie, Eddie
Leslie, Frank
Leslie, H. E.

Lessman, F.
Lester, Lisle
Leveridge, R. S.
Levy, I. N.
Lewer, Rev.
Lewis, Addie
Lewis, Clara
Lewis, Dan
Lewis, Elisha
Lewis, Ella
Lewis, Fred
Lewis, George J.
Lewis, James
Lewis, Jennie E.
Lewis, Jim
Lewis, John W.
Lewis, Len
Lewis, Lish
Lewis, Lottie
Lewis, Masters
Lewis, Mattie
Lewis, Oscar
Lewis, Will
Libby, A. C.
Licherstein, Benjamin
Lichow, F.
Lick, James
Lickhow, F.
Limberg, Minnie
Limthem, Thomas
Lindberg, Hilda
Lindberg, J. A.
Lindberg, Minnie
Lindgren, Waldemar
Lindley & Eickhoff
Lindsey, Kittie
Lindsey, R. H.
Linehan, Daniel
Linehan, Dennis
Linehan, Nora
Linehan, Patrick
Linnehan, Daniel
Lippincott, A. C.
Lippincott, J. A.
Lister, W. L.
Little, Emma
Little, George
Little, Thomas J
Livermore, C.
Lloyd, J. F.
Lo, Mr.
Lobenstein, E.
Locke, J. F.
Lockhard, Mr.
Lockhart, L. D.
Lockhart, Sam
Lockwood, D. C.
Lockwood, M. F.
Logan, E. T.
Logan, J.
Logan, Olive
Logan, Thomas E.
Logan, W. J.
Logue, John
Long, Ah
Long, John
Long, William
Longmaid, John
Longstreet, Mr.
Look, L.
Looney, Matt G.
Lord, C. W.
Louney, P.
Louthan, Robert M.
Lovejoy, Frank
Lovejoy, George A.
Loveridge, Al
Lowe, Dr.
Lowe, Glenn
Lowe, William
Lower, B. Byron
Lowery, James
Lowgen, Jim
Lowney, Con
Lowrie, James
Loyd, Jack
Lucas, J. H.
Luck, Emma
Luck, Lottie
Ludley, L.
Ludwig, Mr.
Lufkins, Hank
Luna, Mr.
Lund, Andy
Luney, Matt
Luxton, John A.
Lychow, F.
Lychow, Hannah
Lyman, James
Lyon, Governor
Lyons, Al
Lyons, Tom

This Page Created By Matthew D. Friend -- Owyhee County Coordinator
Last Modified: Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 04:08:11 pm MDT File Size: 21K
Accessed: Sunday, March 30, 2025 at 07:30:54 pm MDT